Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Assignment 2/9/17

I will be working on FADA academy planning and presentations today. I will be on campus but won't be in class. Please do the assignment to the best of your ability. If you need help please ask one of your peers.

Animation 1 students:

Today you will work on the exaggeration tutorial. The only thing that you may have trouble with is the flame at the end of the fuse. If you can't get it to loop don't worry. Just finish the assignment anyway.

Animation 2 students:

Please continue working on either the walk on the stairs or the run and jump assignment.

Animation 3 students:

In Sketchbook Pro or Photoshop I want you to create a design for Lego Thanos or Lego Mario and Luigi. Please don't copy other people's lego designs. Create your own using the original material as reference. So that means you will look at images of Thanos from the movie or comic book and then create a design within the framework of a lego character. Same with Mario. Look at pictures of Mario from the games. Don't look at other Mario lego designs that have already been created. I am providing a template for the basic lego character. Here is an example where I took the character of Kevin Arnold from Wonder Years and created a lego character:

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