Thursday, March 22, 2018

Assignment 3-23-18


After you have finished the castle tower tutorial you will create your own original castle scene in Maya.

You can build any kind of castle you like with the tools that you have learned so far in Unit 01. My recommendation would be to start with a large object in the center of your scene with translate X and translate Z set to 0 in the channel box.

If the foundation or base of the castle sits in the center of the scene it will be easy to duplicate walls and towers and rotate them around the foundation.

Please help each other out and share information. If you are stuck, find someone in the room who can assist you. 

When I return on Monday I expect the castle to be at least 50 percent complete.


Please start modeling the bear based on the reference images that you drew in Photoshop. If you need to review the extrude tool or edge loop tool there are videos in Unit 11. Otherwise start following along with the cartoon bear video in Unit 12.