Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Drawing Backgrounds

Today I want to highlight another youtuber that puts out some great drawing tutorials. Mark Crilley shows you how to draw characters and backgrounds with informative and entertaining commentary. Check out this video on drawing in one point perspective!

Monday, March 30, 2020

New Ideas!

I'm still drawing with supplies that are around the house. In this demo I'm using a couple of sharpie markers but if all you have is pencil and paper you can still do all kinds of great work! Stay creative, stay safe!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Keep Drawing!

Hi Everybody! I want to encourage you to keep drawing even if all you have is pencil and paper. Today I drew Snoopy and Charlie Brown. Check out the video below!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Everything is a Remix!

Today I want to highlight a great documentary about where we get our ideas from. Artists and directors from all walks of life are constantly taking in the world, interpreting it, re-imagining it, and creating new things from old things. Check this video out, it might be the most important thing you watch this year!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Stay Creative!

Hi everybody! I made a new video about why it's helpful to make art when you are stuck at home. Check it out!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Posting to Social Media

Hi everybody! Today I want to highlight BaM Animation again. If you are at home and have spare time, I want to encourage you to make something fun and share it on social media. This is a great video on how to make a looping animation (in Adobe Animate) for Instagram!

I'm also going to follow my own advice! Monday through Friday I'm going to post a drawing, animation, or possibly some other type of art to my new Instagram: misterh3d

The key to this type of project is to start small. My first post was a simple bouncing ball loop. I'm not going to do anything as complicated as the BaM guys until much further down the road. If you keep your goals small you can regularly create new art and its fun! Think of the most simple animation you can imagine. Maybe it's a jelly been with legs that jumps in the air. Maybe its arrow that flies into a target. Maybe you want to animate Pac man. Right now I'm learning Blender so its even more important to set small goals and keep things simple.

If you want to download all the Adobe apps that they use in the tutorial you can sign in with your ousd email at home! Go here.

It you want to try new software you can download Blender here (2d and 3d options). This is free software for life!

I'm also trying out Da Vinci Resolve for video editing. Download it here. It's totally free :)

Good luck and stay safe! I wish you all fun art making time!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Learning New Software

Because of the shelter in place order I have additional time. For some this leads to boredom. For me additional time means that I can learn new things, new software, new techniques. I can be creative and level up my own skills which often get neglected.

My goal this week was to learn how to animate in Blender. Most people use the software for 3D modeling and animation but it also has the capability to do 2D animation. I've been thinking about this for a while. Can Blender (which is totally free open source software) replace Adobe Animate? One week in I'm pretty impressed with what Blender can do.

Here is a screen shot of the Blender 2D interface:

And here is a an animated GIF of my project. This was really fun! I encourage you to download Blender and see what you can do. If folks want a tutorial I'd be happy to make one!

Big News 3/19!!!

Dear Students,

I have great news today! Adobe is going to allow you to use their apps from home! This is an amazing opportunity to be creative and learn new skills. You can use Photoshop, Animate, Premiere, InDesign or learn a new application. Follow the instructions below to download at home today.

1. Visit https://creativecloud.adobe.com and use your school credentials to sign in.

2. If prompted, select Company or School Account and then enter your password. Or provide your credentials in your school’s login screen.

3. From the Creative Cloud website, browse for and download your desired app. Click Apps on the top of the page to view all apps.

For more information on how to download or install apps, see Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Suggested Activities 3/18

Dear Students,

First, I want to wish you good health. Take care of yourself and family members in your home. Social distancing is extremely important right now so stay home as much as you can.

I understand that people are feeling stressed about the state of the world right now. Doing art or animation might not be the right thing for you in this moment. That's okay. Do activities that help you feel better. I am going to make suggestions for art/animation related activities because it makes me feel better to be creative. So please choose an assignment that interests you--but do it for yourself. Don't do it for me. You will not be graded on any of this, it is for your own personal enrichment. If you complete work please email it to me or put it in the dropbox. With your permission, I might post it to this blog.

-Mr. H

Animation 1 (1st and 6th period):

Go to the dropbox and watch the first video in Maya Unit 01. The videos are numbered so make sure you go in order. The first video is 01 - Channel Box 1 and 2.mp4

If you have not yet setup Maya go this page for instructions.

Animation 3 (2nd Period):

Please email me about your portfolio. You all have individual needs and I'd like to address them one on one. If you want to put your portfolio on pause for a week or two that's okay.

BaM Animation recently released a great video on character design. Definitely watch this when you have time and maybe think about some the key takeaways and do some drawing. Draw characters just for fun. Draw digitally or on paper with a trusty #2 pencil. It never fails you!

Video Link Here

Yearbook (3rd Period):

There is still work that can be done for the yearbook! We need candid photos. Text your friends and see if they have anything on their phones! Email all photos to peter.heckel@ousd.org. I'm still working on the software issue for those of you that want to work at home.

Animation 2 (4th Period):

I know that the films are on hold for now. I'm working on providing solutions for those of you that want to continue. For now, draw something that makes you happy. Think about making a one panel comic that might bring some laughter to a friend or family member. Or maybe you want to make a meme. Do you need access to digital tools? Email me and I'll give you some options.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Assignments 3/13

The following is a breakdown of assignments by period for Wednesday:

1st Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday.

2nd Period:

Please keep building your portfolio pieces. I'm seeing great work in class everyday. Keep up the amazing creative energy!

3rd Period:

Please turn in your pages to the dropbox. If you have time please also upload pages to Pixami.

4th Period:

I put two new videos explaining how to export from Animate and how to import into Premiere. Both videos are in the 4th period dropbox. 

I want to see finished animatics by Friday for each group. I want you to export your animation from Adobe Animate as a video. Then I want you to use Adobe Premiere to assemble the videos into a full sequence. I showed Jahir, Shang, Nikko, and Sachi how to do this. If you have questions ask them or look it up on google. There should be a video of the entire film (in animatic form) in the drop box no later than Friday.

If your group is done with the animatic video, go onto another task that you can work on. Do you need to draw new backgrounds in Adobe Animate? Maybe you want to set up your files so you are ready to go after final animatic approval. All projects should be setup as 4k files. The resolution is 3840x2160. Frame rate should be 24 fps. There is a preset for this on the opening pages of Adobe Animate.

Email me if you have questions.

6th Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday. Orlando and Amari, you two are close to done or already done. That means you both can do another mini-gif project. Think about a really simple idea. It should be something you can finish by next Friday.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Assignments 3/12

The following is a breakdown of assignments by period for Wednesday:

1st Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday.

2nd Period:

Please keep building your portfolio pieces. I'm seeing great work in class everyday. Keep up the amazing creative energy!

3rd Period:

I have just sent new RPL pictures to Jacob. I'll let Jacob decide if he should finish that page or hand it off to someone else. 

I want to see two or three new pages in the drop box and uploaded to Pixami by Friday. Jacob and Josselin can continue working on sports. Alex please continue to work on academy pages. Maggie please finish the yearbook staff page. Vera keep working on the assembly pages.

4th Period:

I want to see finished animatics by Friday for each group. I want you to export your animation from Adobe Animate as a video. Then I want you to use Adobe Premiere to assemble the videos into a full sequence. I showed Jahir, Shang, Nikko, and Sachi how to do this. If you have questions ask them or look it up on google. There should be a video of the entire film (in animatic form) in the drop box no later than Friday.

If your group is done with the animatic video, go onto another task that you can work on. Do you need to draw new backgrounds in Adobe Animate? Maybe you want to set up your files so you are ready to go after final animatic approval. All projects should be setup as 4k files. The resolution is 3840x2160. Frame rate should be 24 fps. There is a preset for this on the opening pages of Adobe Animate.

Email me if you have questions.

6th Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday. Orlando and Amari, you two are close to done or already done. That means you both can do another mini-gif project. Think about a really simple idea. It should be something you can finish by next Friday.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Assignments 3/11

The following is a breakdown of assignments by period for Wednesday:

1st Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday.

2nd Period:

Please keep building your portfolio pieces. I'm seeing great work in class everyday. Keep up the amazing creative energy!

3rd Period:

I want to see two or three new pages in the drop box and uploaded to Pixami by Friday. Jacob and Josselin can continue working on sports. Alex please continue to work on academy pages. Maggie please finish the yearbook staff page. Vera keep working on the assembly pages.

4th Period:

I want to see finished animatics by Friday for each group. I want you to export your animation from Adobe Animate as a video. Then I want you to use Adobe Premiere to assemble the videos into a full sequence. I showed Jahir, Shang, Nikko, and Sachi how to do this. If you have questions ask them or look it up on google. There should be a video of the entire film (in animatic form) in the drop box no later than Friday.

6th Period:

Everyone in class should be working on their GIF project. If you are stuck on something ask a fellow classmate for help. On Monday we will do a gallery walk and you will receive feedback from your peers. The project will be due next Friday. Orlando and Amari, you two are close to done or already done. That means you both can do another mini-gif project. Think about a really simple idea. It should be something you can finish by next Friday.