Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Assignments: Wednesday 1/29/20

Dear students,

I will be at Albany High School today observing classes. Albany has a block schedule (similar to our new schedule for next year) and I want to see how teachers use the time effectively. I will be back tomorrow!

Animation 1:
Please work on your January calendar assignments. Don't forget to turn in your work when you finish it! You have two days left before we start working on your GIF project!

Animation 2:
You should be working on thumbnail storyboards for your film. If your thumbnails are done, you can work on background and character designs. I will be back tomorrow to review your work and answer questions.

Animation 3:
Please work on your portfolio. Also, please be sure to turn in your work from weeks 19, 20, and 21!

Your 3 pages are due tomorrow. Keep working!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Assignments Thursday 1-16-2020

Animation 1:

Please work on your January calendar assignments. Don't forget to turn in your work when you finish it!

Animation 2:

Please do a 1st or 2nd revision of your story. You may also write a new story if you feel like last week's stories are not quite right. Turn in your work to the dropbox: 4th-Last, First-1-16-2020

Animation 3:

Please work on your portfolio! Y'all are doing great stuff!

Your 3 pages are due tomorrow! Andy will be there to answer technical questions. I'll see you Friday!