Monday, January 29, 2018

Assignment 1/29/18

Animation 1: Frog vs Fly Animatic

In this project you will create a simple animatic about a frog and a fly. No need for a detailed background. The fly is just a dot on the screen. The drawing of the frog uses a minimal amount of lines, just enough detail to recognize what it is.

There is only one rule when developing the story for this project: you have to think of a twist in the plot. If the frog simply eats the fly, it would be boring. That's what the audience is expecting. If the fly buzzes from one side of the screen to the other while the frog does nothing that would also be boring. There needs to be a conflict and there needs to be a surprise.

Remember this is an animatic, not full animation. You only have to complete the key drawings you need to tell the story.

Your project settings: 
24 fps
Length: 5-10 seconds (approximately)

Animation 2: Work on your short film

Please continue working on your short film with your team. I'll be back tomorrow.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Fall Semester Final Exam Review

Here are the links to videos that review the content for the final exam. Please watch these videos and pay close attention to details so that you perform well on the day of the final.