Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Assignments 1/30/19

Hello students,

I will not be in class today. Please work for the entire class period on your assignments. If you need help, ask a classmate to give you assistance. There is always someone in the room that can solve the problem.


Please work on your obstacle course. Here are the instructions that I laid out on Tuesday:


Please continue working on your short film. Make sure that each stage is finished before you go onto the next:

1. Storyboards: is the story clear? Can someone read the story without you telling them what's happening?

2. Character designs: do you know what the character looks like from all angles? Do you have a wide range of emotions to refer back to when you are animating?

3. Animatic: are the actions clear? How is the timing? If it's too fast the audience won't understand what's going on. If its too slow the audience will get bored.


Please continue on your work for week 22 and 23. Use your time wisely, the semester will be over before you know it!