Tuesday, November 14, 2017

FADA T-Shirts!!!

If you are in the animation pathway you can receive a free T-shirt. Click on the link below to select your size and complete the order:

T-shirt order

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Assignments 11-2-17

I will be out sick again on Thursday. Please read the entire post before you begin working today:

Animation 1 students:

Today is the last day to work on the poster that you have designed in Photoshop. Remember I'm looking for clean cutouts and clear text. Have someone look at your poster and give some feedback. Think about how you transition between different elements in the image. Make sure the font theme matches the imagery.

If you are just starting your poster today you want to make sure you pick a very simple design like the "Join Animation" poster from the beginning of Unit 2. If you keep the concept simple you can finish in one class period. Your poster can be a fan made movie poster, an ad for a product, a poster for a band or event or a desktop background. 

Everyone needs to turn their poster into the drop box at the end of the class period.

Animation 2 students:

Please start working on a short action animation of your own design. I would like you to work in Flash using a stick figure character. The character can jump, swing, run, lift or pull something. Take a look at these examples below. You can skip to the end to see the finished animation. Don't watch the tutorial from the beginning. The action should only take a few seconds (3-8 seconds total.)

Julien, Anton, Audrey and Oliver: Your Pixar mentor will be coming to Tech on Monday morning for your first class. Be in the classroom no later than 8:45 am. I will notify your teachers that you are with me during first period.